
  Pictures from the Patch is all about my life, mostly told in pictures, but with the occasional story or rant.  The name for the blog came from my childhood.  Like most girls my age, I played with my cabbage patch kids pretending that one day I would have a family of my own.  One of my favorite things to do with my toy family was to set them up and take their pictures.  I wanted to one day be a photographer.  Sadly, somewhere along the way I convinced myself that it was impossible.  In the last couple of years, I have rekindled my passion for photography, and this blog is a forum to share my love.

  I also enjoy, camping, gardening, crafting and spending time with my family and friends.   I am a happily married stay at home mom to 3 great kids. One day soon,  I will return to the "real world", and get a big girl job, doing what I am not sure.

   I am the kind of girl who is always looking for something.  Lately, it seems that I've lost something far more important than my key, my sense of self.  If you find her let me know. 

Picture from the Patch - Cast of Characters

  John, my awesome husband- he is my best friend and soul mate.  He has always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in myself.  We have been together for almost 20 years, and each day I love him more.

  Kenzie, my girl, a.k.a "The Kid" -she is 14 and reminds me so much of myself at her age that sometimes it hurts to watch her blossom. She is smart, determined and growing into an independent young woman.

  Josh, the middle kid, a.k.a "The Boy" - we call him the jam in the sandwich.  He is quiet, sweet  and sensitive, not a mean bone in his body.  Josh has a mild form of autism, and has some struggles socially. 

  Charlie, the baby- ( but don't say that to his face), a.k.a, "Little Man"- he is funny, and bold and seems too grown up for 4 and a half.