- canvas ( I got mine for $2.00 at Dollarama )
- gift bag
- paint ( dark for edge, and a base coat )
- white school glue
- photo
Step 1,
I cut out the saying from the gift bag. If you don't have access to a pretty gift bag, you could use a computer print out.
I base coated the front of the canvas with acrylic paint.
I used a darker colour to paint the edge of the canvas, but I thought that using ribbon would look nice too.
Step 3
I spread the glue in a thin layer on the canvas, and another thin layer on the back of the gift bag . I carefully positioned the gift bag onto the canvas, and brushed on another layer of glue. Working out any air bubbles.
Step 4 ( not shown )
I printed out a picture of my hubby and I on card stock, cut it out and, glued it to the canvas in the same manner as I did the gift bag.
(Just a warning, the computer ink ran when it came in contact with the white glue, in the future I would either test, or apply the glue only to the back of the picture.)
and ta da, the finished masterpiece,
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