Celebrations bring families together. When I plan a celebration for my family, I give a part of myself. Acknowledging a loved one on their special day builds their sense of self worth and creates memories they will cherish forever. I love bonding with my family at celebrations.
To me, planning the perfect party is the ultimate gift of myself. I put a lot of thought and care in deciding what foods to serve, keeping in mind favorites and dislikes. I plan parties around themes that the guest of honour will enjoy. All the decorations, activities and thank-you gifts are chosen with the theme in mind, and are unique to each occasion and person being celebrated. The planning and preparing of a party are gifts of my time and creativity.
Celebrating a loved ones milestones and achievements increases their sense of self worth. As the guest of honour, being in a room full of people that love you best, all wishing you happiness - How could you not feel good about yourself? Knowing that people have taken time out of their busy lives to acknowledge and celebrate you feels good. Even though the outside world may not know that today is your birthday, or that you achieved something great, at the end of the day, when you go home, it is heartwarming to know that family and close friends are there to cheer you on.
Family celebrations create memories. When I think back on my childhood, I can remember every birthday celebration I ever had, as well as my siblings birthdays, Christmas, and every other celebration. I remember the mixed feeling of pride and embarrassment as my family sang Happy Birthday to me. I remember how silly my parents and grandparents looked in their paper crowns at Christmas dinner. I remember cheering my Grandpa on as he went for his yearly swim on his birthday. And I remember the little celebrations: the pink milk on Valentine's Day or the green milk on St. Patricks Day. These are the memories that I reflect on and cherish. These are the kind of memories that I want my own children to hold tight.
In short, celebrations are important to me because I feel there is no better way to bring family together. Celebrating each others achievements is a gift you give your family, building self worth and creating life long memories. Family celebrations tightens the family bond.
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