December 8 - The Tree Is Trimmed - We decorated the tree tonight and it went surprisingly well. In the past I have gotten stressed while the kids grabbed the ornaments and (not so carefully) thrown them at the tree. Now, we have a system that works. I sit and pass out the ornaments. This gives me a chance to look at each ornament and reminisce. I even let the kids put the ornaments where they want them. It was decided that these jingle bells should hang out beside each other and be friends. There was one causality though. A plaster penguin fell to the ground and lost his flipper while we were doing our version of the Charlie Brown dance. 
December 9 - Lips - weekly self portrait - Growing up my older sister teased me that my lips were too big. She had all sorts of nasty names for them. I thought they were ugly. Looking at them here I think they are full, pretty and nicely shaped. Acceptance of my body is the best side effect of my weekly self portrait.
December 10 - The Gift of Light - We were invited to John's aunt's home tonight to visit with his cousin who lives on the East coast. Auntie Dianne's home could be in the pages of Better Homes and Gardens. It is beautiful, every ornament is placed just right. My home on the other hand - every ornament begins to look like clutter. But hey - I have other skills right? It was one of the best nights out I have had in a long time. Sharing stories, laughs and wine.
December 11 - Sick Day - I woke up today sick. Actually I woke up hungover and by late afternoon, I realized that I had The Little Man's stomach flu. Lovely.
December 12 - Night Snow - Finally we got some snow! It rained all day, but the temperature dropped and it turned to snow. Yipee! Can't wait to play tomorrow.
December 13 - Snow Angel - The Little Man and I played outside today in the snow. I did not take him to the hill during the day. When his big brother and sister came home, they all went to the hill. I can see the hill from my backyard so I felt pretty safe with this. The kids weren't gone more than a few minutes when I got a call on my phone. Apparently the kids choose to go down the hill that has the high school at the bottom of it. Headfirst. Guess what happened? Yup- Charlie hit it head on. No blood, but a nasty goose egg and bruise. I was at the hill in two minutes. Piggy backing The Little Man home took a little longer.
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