The end. I have completed my 365. I woke up this morning not having to pick up my camera and take a picture. I have to say it feels a little lonely. This project of mine has given me so much. I am a better photographer, a better wife, mother and friend. I have grown in ways that I didn't believe were possible from the single act of picking up my camera and documenting my life.
January 24 - Obscurity - The prompt for today was obscurity, and boy was it tough. How do you go about looking for something obscure to photograph? I tossed around with a few ideas and decided that I was going to look for shadows to photograph. I liked the way that the shadow of my mum plant played on the sparkling, blueish snow.
January 25 - The Magic Machine - Can you remember a time when the top of the line computer was the Commodore 64? Nowadays, computers are as much as a household fixture as the telephone. We rely on them to keep us in touch with out family and friends. Today's prompt asked us to capture an image of our magic machines.
January 26 - A Beautiful Mess - More often than not, most photographers overt their lenses from the mess of everyday life. Today in the Picture Winter class, Tracey asked us to see our messes in a new light - with gratitude. I went to Josh's room. When I paused and looked at it, I saw him. A Thomas blanket, lego, baskets of stuffies, pokemon posters all tell a story of a sweet, innocent boy. A blessing in my life.
January 27 - Give Yourself A Hand - Hands can show as much emotion as faces. An angry fist, a gentle caress, the middle finger, the peace sign all display emotion. I started thinking about hands, and mine in particular. When I was a kid I sucked my fingers, and rubbed the satin binding of my blanket. Truth be known, I probably would still be sucking my fingers if my jaw hadn't been wired shut for eight weeks when I was fourteen. Anyways, the finger sucking stopped but the blanket rubbing did not. I can't explain it, but when I rub my blanket I feel the stress melt away. I have worn through many blankets. My yellow one, the blue one, the pink and white with flowers, the gold one, another gold one, another blue one. Currently I have three blanket on the go. The white one on my bed, the beige one in the family room and a traveller, a crib sized yellow one.
January 28 - Details of Winter - For the Picture Winter prompt we were sent out looking for details of winter. I don't mean to be pessimistic but, at the end of January I am just about sick and tired of looking for the details and beauty of winter. I did manage to get this shot of a seed pod from my Rose of Sharon bush that I "stole" from a friend's garden. There. Did it. Now I'm going in to have a hot chocolate and sit by the fireplace and read a few chapters.
January 29 - Your Name In Lights - I don't have a popular or trendy name. I can remember having four items with my name on them. Two key chains that my sister had custom made for me, pens and pencils that my mom ordered with my name from Regal, and the labels that were ironed in my undies when I went to camp. When you see your name or someone calls you by name you feel special. I don't hear my name often. My husband calls me hon, my kids call me mom. If you ask The Little Man what Mommy's real name is he will tell you Hon. I went looking for something with my name on it today. The first thing I photographed was my name on the first page of my baby book. The second thing I photographed was this letter from my Grandma. When I read it I can almost hear her voice. My favorite part was when she wrote, "- like old times, I miss you
January 30 - Glimmers of Hope - Boy I needed this prompt today. I needed something to look forward to. When I was out looking for glimmers of hope, the sun was shining and it felt so good. I took two pictures. One of the buds on the poplar trees out back. Gosh, it surprises me that this tree just wont give up. Half dead, and yet still producing buds. The second is an image of melted ice. Today the sun was warm enough to melt the ice. Even though we are in the midst of a winter storm warning, I have hope. The days are getting longer, the buds are beginning to show, and puddles are melting in the sun. I edited both pictures by warming them up.

January 31 - One Little Word - What is your word for 2011? What do you want to focus on in the year ahead. Mine is thrive. This past year I have matured. Now, I want to thrive, grow, blossom. I want to make steady progress, flourish and prosper. I want to realize goals despite or because of circumstances. In thriving, I know that I will find peace, joy, happiness, love, acceptance and so much more.
the end.
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