I have spent many hours playing blocks with my kids. With care we would stack the blocks on on top of the other, as high as we could. We built until either we ran out of blocks, we ran out of interest or the tower crashed to the floor. So proud were the occasions that we successfully built our castles with every block in the bag. If the tower crashed, we would take the lessons we learned about structure, balance and strong foundations to rebuild a better, stronger palace.
Life stacks up in much the same way as those colourful building blocks. Seemingly small choices in your life can turn into something amazing. My friend Jen started walking each night after dinner. One step at a time, one choice at a time she not only lost weight but has become one of those crazy runners that will run in any weather (just kidding Jen, you know I love you.) This weekend Jen will run the Around the Bay race, a 30km run. One step at a time, one choice at a time.
Alternatively, crappy choices can stack up and cause your castle to crash.
I've found it's not the big decisions that cause your castle to crash. The big, life altering choices are the ones that you think long and hard about the ones where sit down to make a pro and con list.
No, it's the small decisions that can come up and bite you in the butt. The small choices are the ones that make up life. The choice to eat the donut or not, to go for the walk, to save up your pennies for a rainy day or blow a bit of extra cash on a new pair of shoes. It's little, everyday decisions like these the when you reflect back on let you know how things, how life stacks up.
Phew, that was long winded.
The whole point of me blogging about stacks is because Week 3 of Picture Inspiration had us looking for stacks. Tracey encouraged us to not only look for stacks but to play photo stylists and create our own stacks. After all the talk about building blocks, you would think that I chose to photograph a block castle.
Jello. The boys and I made rainbow jello in honour of St. Patricks Day. Rainbow layers!
Totally unrelated to building blocks, but enjoy none the less.
I always love your "thinking" posts. You are one of the most insightful people I know. Love the picture too! I've made my share of good and bad choices, and like to think that I'll never make the same bad choice twice, but hey, we're all human right? I must admit I had tears in my eyes today when I finished. Who knew I'd end up at the finish line of Around the Bay when I started two years ago. Like you said, those little choices really add up.