Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Princess Grad
Grade eight. I remember it so well. It was such a transformational year for myself, and it was a year of transformation for my daughter as well. She has grown up so much this past year - and her grade eight graduation was an awesome way to showcase her growth. She had been preparing for this night for a long time. I think it was back in March that we bought her a dress. She had been to the mall with a friend and found the perfect one. The day of started with a manicure, and hanging out with a friend. In the afternoon, I took her to get her hair done. After dinner, she did her makeup, and got into her dress.
Even though I had seen her in her dress, and had seen her with her makeup and hair done, when I saw her all put together, she took my breath away a little. She was stunning. I was so proud. We had time for a few quick snapshots on the front lawn before we left.

on her way...she and I walked over to her friends house, while Hubby took the van to the school.
Camp Charlie
Even though we had a kid party for the Little Man, we still had our traditional family "Camp Charlie" This is a chance for both sides of the family to get together, slow down, and enjoy each other's company. Once again, the weather man did not co-operate with us, but once again we out smarted him and have tonnes of fun anyway.
We surprised our five year old with a new bike. This one is bigger and heavier than the old one - he was wobbly at first but did okay on it.
Pirate Party
Our Little Man turned FIVE this past week and to celebrate this milestone, I planned his first "kid" party -with a pirate theme. The invitations were empty water bottles with a pirate map tucked inside. I also added some sand, seashells and some fun beach foam shapes.
I had planned to turn our back deck into a pirate ship, complete with a mast and crow's nest, but the weather man was calling for thundershowers. Fortunately, I was smart enough to have a "rain plan" and moved the party indoors. This was okay, because it allowed me to set up some of the decorations a day in advance.
I made a banner out of red and black Bristol board. I stenciled a jolly roger on the black triangles to add to our pirate theme. I was really wanting a wooden barrel to have as a prop - I found this rain barrel in the garbage and grabbed it - lucky find!! ( hubby wasn't as excited as me)
Charlie and I made a treasure map out a garden leaf bag. This was used for " X marks the spot" game - a variation of pin the tail on the donkey.
I looted though our Halloween box, and found some skulls and creepy gauze fabric to decorate the stairs. I added some blow up fish from the dollar store, that I later gave out to my two helpers ( my older son and his friend.)

The mantel was decorated with pirate gear; a hook, balloons, a jolly rogers flag, driftwood and seashells. The pinata ship was a great decoration before it got smashed by my five little pirates.

Another craft that the Little Man and I made before the party was this Pirate chest. We used two boxes from the grocery store, painted them brown, and used yellow electrical tape to decorate it. This box is where the pint sized pirated stored their loot from their treasure hunt. I have learned over the years, that these hunts are happier if everyone works as a team to find
treasure and I divide it up evenly later.

Hubby was the brave soul who held the pinata for our excited pirates. Pinatas are always a "hit!" Another hit were the loot bags. Each boy took home a pirate sword, book, eye patch, blow up shark, bubbles and a backpack key chain of Captain Jack Sparrow. I also let them take home their craft. It was a black paper cup with an aluminum foil hook attached. We used the hooks to play "pick up pretzels" at snack time.

Charlie - and all the other boys had a great time. He is such a joy to watch grow up and I was honoured to give him this special day. But by the time the last boy was picked up we all were beat. Just after the last boy was picked up, one more arrived. His mother read the invite wrong, and thought the party started at 5:00, rather than pick up time at 5:00. Well there was no way that I could send this little guy away, so we invited him in.
I looted though our Halloween box, and found some skulls and creepy gauze fabric to decorate the stairs. I added some blow up fish from the dollar store, that I later gave out to my two helpers ( my older son and his friend.)
The mantel was decorated with pirate gear; a hook, balloons, a jolly rogers flag, driftwood and seashells. The pinata ship was a great decoration before it got smashed by my five little pirates.
Another craft that the Little Man and I made before the party was this Pirate chest. We used two boxes from the grocery store, painted them brown, and used yellow electrical tape to decorate it. This box is where the pint sized pirated stored their loot from their treasure hunt. I have learned over the years, that these hunts are happier if everyone works as a team to find
treasure and I divide it up evenly later.
Hubby was the brave soul who held the pinata for our excited pirates. Pinatas are always a "hit!" Another hit were the loot bags. Each boy took home a pirate sword, book, eye patch, blow up shark, bubbles and a backpack key chain of Captain Jack Sparrow. I also let them take home their craft. It was a black paper cup with an aluminum foil hook attached. We used the hooks to play "pick up pretzels" at snack time.
Charlie - and all the other boys had a great time. He is such a joy to watch grow up and I was honoured to give him this special day. But by the time the last boy was picked up we all were beat. Just after the last boy was picked up, one more arrived. His mother read the invite wrong, and thought the party started at 5:00, rather than pick up time at 5:00. Well there was no way that I could send this little guy away, so we invited him in.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
June 21
Sweet and Sour-
Sour lemons and a sweet childhood memory. The plate that these lemons sit on was much coveted as a child. Saturday nights growing up were spaghetti night. At the cottage, with all the extended family, my parents would cook up a big pot of spaghetti. I can't remember how, but this plate became a favorite, so as to save fightsbetween the cousins, a schedule was made up and marked on the calender. I still love this plate. I'm not even sure if anyone else even remembers it, but I am a little leery to ask, just in case we have to work out a schedule for it.
Sour lemons and a sweet childhood memory. The plate that these lemons sit on was much coveted as a child. Saturday nights growing up were spaghetti night. At the cottage, with all the extended family, my parents would cook up a big pot of spaghetti. I can't remember how, but this plate became a favorite, so as to save fightsbetween the cousins, a schedule was made up and marked on the calender. I still love this plate. I'm not even sure if anyone else even remembers it, but I am a little leery to ask, just in case we have to work out a schedule for it.
Father's Day
June 20 - Drive by Visit-
I am so lucky and honoured to have both of these great men in my life. My husband is a great father. He is patient, kind, and understanding. My kids know that their Dad always has and always will have their back - but at the same time he pushes them to spread their wings and try. He is the one who has taught them to tie their shoes and ride a bike ( there is no way I would have had the courage to let go of the bike.) He is just as proud of his children as they are of him. I have heard all of them brag about their Dad when they think I can't hear. They brag about his strength, little do they know just how strong their Dad is - inside and out.
My father is wise, and kind. I have always known that he was there for me no matter how far away he is. In my adult life, Dad has moved around a lot for work, and right now is doing a job in the United States, so I felt very blessed that he just happened to be around for Father's Day. I understand my father - in a way that can be described as heart felt, he doesn't talk a lot. I know that he has suffered great loss, but continues to try his best, and learn from his mistakes.
These men make me so proud. One choose me to share in his life, and one fate choose me to share in his life. I have learned so much from both.
Dad and John
I am so lucky and honoured to have both of these great men in my life. My husband is a great father. He is patient, kind, and understanding. My kids know that their Dad always has and always will have their back - but at the same time he pushes them to spread their wings and try. He is the one who has taught them to tie their shoes and ride a bike ( there is no way I would have had the courage to let go of the bike.) He is just as proud of his children as they are of him. I have heard all of them brag about their Dad when they think I can't hear. They brag about his strength, little do they know just how strong their Dad is - inside and out.
My father is wise, and kind. I have always known that he was there for me no matter how far away he is. In my adult life, Dad has moved around a lot for work, and right now is doing a job in the United States, so I felt very blessed that he just happened to be around for Father's Day. I understand my father - in a way that can be described as heart felt, he doesn't talk a lot. I know that he has suffered great loss, but continues to try his best, and learn from his mistakes.
These men make me so proud. One choose me to share in his life, and one fate choose me to share in his life. I have learned so much from both.
Sunshine and Showers
June 19 - Refuel
We have had a busy few weeks, and so by late in the afternoon on Saturday, I was feeling overwhelmed. I said to heck with it, lets go to the beach. The work can wait. I needed to refuel, and a day or should I say a few hours at the beach with my favorite people was just the way to do so.
at the beach with my kids, munching on junk food, wearing my silly beach booties so I don't touch the seaweed on the bottom of the lake - pure joy.
the little man doing one last rinse off
We decided to order pizza on the way home, so dinner was just a matter of sitting down to the table. After dinner, the boys went downstairs to zone out and play video games, I went to my room to finish my book, and The Kid went for a walk around the neighbourhood. When she left the sky was blue with big fluffy clouds. As I was reading I thought that I heard water on the back deck, but did not pay too much attention to it, then it became louder, and harder - I grabbed my car keys and went to save my daughter. By the time I was at the car, I was soaked. By the time I found her, she looked like a drowned rat. The light was an eerie mix of dark and light, and after I saved her, I went back outside to grab these pictures. When I was editing them last night, she asked if I took the pictures before or after I came to get her. After I assured her - but I do wish I had brought my camera to get a picture of her standing on the corner looking more happy to see her mom in a minivan than I ever thought possible.
We have had a busy few weeks, and so by late in the afternoon on Saturday, I was feeling overwhelmed. I said to heck with it, lets go to the beach. The work can wait. I needed to refuel, and a day or should I say a few hours at the beach with my favorite people was just the way to do so.
At the Farm
June 18 - Field Trip!
I volunteered on Friday to go to a local farm with Charlie's junior kindergarten class. It has been awhile since I rode a school bus, and was surprised just how bumpy, and rocky it was. The kids had fun, and screamed every time we hit a bump or went around a corner. Not surprisingly, The Little Man did not want to sit beside me on the bus, but that's okay - I am glad I was able to see him enjoy his friends. I had four little boys in my group, they all were well behaved; I only had one who was slippery - a quiet boy who kept wandering off. I managed alright, and returned to the school with four boys, and the same ones - bonus! What a day, I can't imagine working with kids all day, I was exhausted at the end of it. Hats off to all the people who do this for a living!
the little man on the fence
I volunteered on Friday to go to a local farm with Charlie's junior kindergarten class. It has been awhile since I rode a school bus, and was surprised just how bumpy, and rocky it was. The kids had fun, and screamed every time we hit a bump or went around a corner. Not surprisingly, The Little Man did not want to sit beside me on the bus, but that's okay - I am glad I was able to see him enjoy his friends. I had four little boys in my group, they all were well behaved; I only had one who was slippery - a quiet boy who kept wandering off. I managed alright, and returned to the school with four boys, and the same ones - bonus! What a day, I can't imagine working with kids all day, I was exhausted at the end of it. Hats off to all the people who do this for a living!
Lazy Days of Summer
June 15 - "someday" self portrait -
Last year I was wondering around Chapters and came across this beautiful book, about mothers and daughters, and fell in love. It is called Someday by Alison Meghee I originally bought it as a gift for the kid, but I have kept it for myself. So with my daughter away on her first big adventure by herself, I cracked it out, had a few tears, and got on with my day. This is a great book for new moms. Highly recommended.

June 16 - Roses in the Rain
Today I had not a lot time to take my 365 but did manage to shoot this quickie - but I LOVE the way it turned out. Funny how some days I will spend time getting the perfect image, which turns out to be so-so and other days one quick snap shot makes my heart so happy. I think its the faded colours and soft glow that has done it for me. See? One more reason not to clean my windows.

June 17 - Cheese-tastic!
mmm, plastic cheese on toast, another guilty pleasure - add it to the list.
Last year I was wondering around Chapters and came across this beautiful book, about mothers and daughters, and fell in love. It is called Someday by Alison Meghee I originally bought it as a gift for the kid, but I have kept it for myself. So with my daughter away on her first big adventure by herself, I cracked it out, had a few tears, and got on with my day. This is a great book for new moms. Highly recommended.
June 16 - Roses in the Rain
Today I had not a lot time to take my 365 but did manage to shoot this quickie - but I LOVE the way it turned out. Funny how some days I will spend time getting the perfect image, which turns out to be so-so and other days one quick snap shot makes my heart so happy. I think its the faded colours and soft glow that has done it for me. See? One more reason not to clean my windows.
June 17 - Cheese-tastic!
mmm, plastic cheese on toast, another guilty pleasure - add it to the list.
Monday, June 14, 2010
June 12 -14 - Busy Weekend
June 12 - Ugly shirt self portrait
On Saturday night we attended a ugly shirt party. I dug out this shirt that I made in grade eight with my best friend Dawn. We had matching hats too. What were we thinking? This shirt is horrible. I cant seem to let myself throw it out - but I have retired it to being my hair dye shirt. Anyways, my ugly shirt did win me the prize of the night - dinner for two - a box of Kraft Dinner. Too funny. We had a good time, but as soon as I got home, off came the shirt. Enough ugly for one night.
June 14 -
I finally got out the invites to the Little Man's pirate party. I am very happy with the way they turned out. Charlie was so excited to drop them off at his friends houses. We have a few more to drop off tonight.

I knew that I would not be able to drop her off myself with out making a public embarrassment of our family. I did have a bit - okay a big cry on Sunday night. After all the lists were checked, the clothes, ipod, camera, books for the bus, deck of cards, bathing suit, umbrella, emergency first aid kit, emergency rain hit me she was going. The Kid would have to take care of herself if there was a problem, I could give her the tools, but she had to be the one to utilize them. Its what we do as parents, teach your children, so they can be independent. And if the goal is independence, then what then is my role as mother. My role as mother is to be ready and interested to hear all about her adventures. To be a soft spot in the world to land, to give encouragement or advice when needed. My role is to step back and watch her grow.

So I am watching her grow. It used to be that I would look at her and see traces of the baby she once was, and now, I look at her and catch glimpses of the woman she will become. If I look hard enough there is still evidence of my little girl, just check out Winston, her teddy bear packed in her bag.
On Saturday night we attended a ugly shirt party. I dug out this shirt that I made in grade eight with my best friend Dawn. We had matching hats too. What were we thinking? This shirt is horrible. I cant seem to let myself throw it out - but I have retired it to being my hair dye shirt. Anyways, my ugly shirt did win me the prize of the night - dinner for two - a box of Kraft Dinner. Too funny. We had a good time, but as soon as I got home, off came the shirt. Enough ugly for one night.
I finally got out the invites to the Little Man's pirate party. I am very happy with the way they turned out. Charlie was so excited to drop them off at his friends houses. We have a few more to drop off tonight.
The Kids is on her way to Quebec today with the school. She will be gone for 4 days. I know, not long, but it's the longest and farthest away she has been from home. I am sure she will do fine. At least I am pretty sure she will do fine. She tends to have a low bullshit tolerance - and that makes me worried that she will stress herself out instead of enjoy the experience.
I knew that I would not be able to drop her off myself with out making a public embarrassment of our family. I did have a bit - okay a big cry on Sunday night. After all the lists were checked, the clothes, ipod, camera, books for the bus, deck of cards, bathing suit, umbrella, emergency first aid kit, emergency rain hit me she was going. The Kid would have to take care of herself if there was a problem, I could give her the tools, but she had to be the one to utilize them. Its what we do as parents, teach your children, so they can be independent. And if the goal is independence, then what then is my role as mother. My role as mother is to be ready and interested to hear all about her adventures. To be a soft spot in the world to land, to give encouragement or advice when needed. My role is to step back and watch her grow.
So I am watching her grow. It used to be that I would look at her and see traces of the baby she once was, and now, I look at her and catch glimpses of the woman she will become. If I look hard enough there is still evidence of my little girl, just check out Winston, her teddy bear packed in her bag.
party planning,
self portrait
June 9 - 11
June 9 - Beat it
For real. I get me a little sad for my hubby because he doesn't have time for his hobby, drumming. If and when Hubby gets free time it is usually after the kids are in bed - not the ideal time for banging out a beat. poor guy.
June 10 - Funky Fungi
We have had so much rain in the last few days, that these Funky Fun Guys showed up on an old stump in the back yard.
For real. I get me a little sad for my hubby because he doesn't have time for his hobby, drumming. If and when Hubby gets free time it is usually after the kids are in bed - not the ideal time for banging out a beat. poor guy.
We have had so much rain in the last few days, that these Funky Fun Guys showed up on an old stump in the back yard.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
June 4 - 8
June 4 - Hope
My sister in law participated in the Relay for Life on Friday. We went to cheer her on and watch the opening ceremonies. The weather man called for thunderstorms and rain. Just after the Survivors Lap, the sun tried to break through the clouds. It gave me a sense of Hope, not just for the night, but for all those fighting cancer. Inspirational.
SIL's team "The Wonder Women" won best costume, and was the second highest fundraisers. Way to go!! I am so proud of these "Wonder Women"

June 5 - Pirate Booty
The boys went to the stock car races on Saturday night, The Kid was at a sleepover, so I had the night all to myself to work on the Little Man's party decorations. ARRGH!

June 6 - Crusty Dusty Bottles
My sister in law participated in the Relay for Life on Friday. We went to cheer her on and watch the opening ceremonies. The weather man called for thunderstorms and rain. Just after the Survivors Lap, the sun tried to break through the clouds. It gave me a sense of Hope, not just for the night, but for all those fighting cancer. Inspirational.
SIL's team "The Wonder Women" won best costume, and was the second highest fundraisers. Way to go!! I am so proud of these "Wonder Women"
June 5 - Pirate Booty
The boys went to the stock car races on Saturday night, The Kid was at a sleepover, so I had the night all to myself to work on the Little Man's party decorations. ARRGH!
June 6 - Crusty Dusty Bottles
The baby robins are growing- almost the size of their parents now. I wonder if you could call them teenagers?
One of my favorite things to do is to drive around the neighbourhood and hunt for junk. I spotted this gate at the side of the road and knew right away it would be perfect for the side of the house. Hubby had to make some alterations to it -( I think it may have been a headboard for a single bed at one time) but I think it adds charm to my least favorite part of my house exterior. I am looking forward to the next big junk garbage day to find my next project.
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