In January I started a 365 project. A 365 is taking a picture a day for a year. Before starting my project, I took a lot of pictures, but it was sporadic. I would go weeks without picking up the camera. For me, 365, meant a commitment to myself to work on becoming a better photographer. My images have improved, and I am proud of most of them. My journey has been a joy and I am literally seeing my life through a new lens. But now at over 200 days into my project, I feel like I am in a bit of a creative, mid summer slump. It is easy to take a beautiful image of flowers or fruit, but some days I feel like I am cheating myself out of the more rewarding shots.
I enjoyed looking at the pictures posted on Picasa, especially the ones tagged with 365. I found Picasa to be interesting and inspiring. Looking at other photographers images revs up my own creative engine. I will continue to browse through it in the future. Also, I plan to download it to my computer. I think that their photo editing tools will give my pictures a fresh look - just like an artist gets a new look from using different mediums. The picture I sent to the Library Lady was of a water drop. Now that would be a rewarding picture to capture! I just have to clear the sink of the dirty dishes first. The image was tagged with: 365, day 34, drops.
I've never heard of a 365 project. What a fantastic idea.
ReplyDeleteIf you are in a mid summer slump, I can't imagine what your pictures look like the rest of the year! I look forward to every one of your blog postings to see what wonderful photographs you have to share. I can never pick a favourite as they are all amazing!