November 1 - Looking Through the Loot - The Little Man checking out his candy. Maybe I am a bad mom, but every time he asks for a piece, I say yes. It's better he eats it than me. 
November 2 - Rusty Mums - I love this image. I think its the rusty fence and the rust coloured mums that both contradict, and compliment each other.
November 3 - Night Rains -I both love and dread rain when we are camping. Sometimes, the rain on the roof of the trailer puts me to sleep. Other times it is like a torture treatment, one drop at a time, breaking my sanity.
November 4 - Weekly Self Portrait, Morning Silhouette - I missed my self portrait last week. I had planned to get a shot of me a la Bat Girl on Halloween, but it slipped my mind on the big day. I am glad I got one this week. The self portrait exercise allows me to be venerable, and to reflect on where my head has been at for the week. It allows me to get to know myself a little better.
November 5 - Beautiful Berries - After all the leaves have fallen, this fruit tree still holds its jewels. Every morning and every afternoon that I go to the school to get the kids, this tree makes me happy.
November 6 - Best Friends - The kid went to the mall today with a friend that had moved away to a different school a couple of years ago. They bought best friend charms. Kenzie is the peanut butter, and her friend the jam. Cute. Not so cute? She bought a package of Salt and Vinegar Crickets - and actually ate one (gross!) She better not complain about my cooking for a long, long time.
November 7 - Booby Prize - Poor little guy, the big kids went out today to hang with their friends, and left the little man to hang out with his parents for the afternoon. It's not too often that Charlie will cry ( he is too concerned about being called a "cry baby") but when the kids both left, he started sobbing. I gave him ice cream to cheer him up. He made a point of telling his brother and sister this as soon as they got home.
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