November 8 - Retired - We've cleaned up the garden and somehow my garden stake has made it to the back of the house right beside the barbecue. I think I will leave it. It can only more rusty- right? Plus when the temperature reaches minus 10 degrees, I will hubby will remember summer days. 
November 9 - Conversation Starters - I found this list of printable conversation starters at Quirky Momma. They have been so much fun at the dinner table.
November 10 - Cosmos - In the spring of 2009, I bought a package of cosmos seeds from the dollar store. When the flowers went to seed last fall, I harvested the seeds. I planted them this past spring. Well, it has taken a while but my cosmos has finally bloomed - in November! I am hoping it goes to seed again soon so I can continue my little science experiment. This time, I think I will plant them directly into the earth and see if they bloom sooner in the season. - yes I know I'm a geek!
November 11 - Lest we Forget - On Remembrance Day, I always set aside some time to think about the men and women that have given of themselves for our country. You can't see my face, but trust me the tears are streaming. The faces of the old men, who were just boys during the war - the innocent faces of the children watching the ceremonies, it is all so emotional for me. Thank you to all the men and women who have sacrificed for us.
November 12 - Little Monkey Man - Every year in the fall I do my children's portraits. Shooting your own children is not for the faint of heart. I think that Charlie figured out that he had the power here. I wanted a smile, he did not want to give it. Look at his smug expression. Little Monkey!
November 13 - You Say Goodbye, I Say Hello - Goodbye -It's a sad day when the trailer leaves the driveway to be stored for the winter. There goes our escape away from the craziness of life. Its going to be a LONG winter.
Hello- Well hello there shiny new camera! No it's not mine I only wish. I got invited to go camera shopping with my friend Jennifer today. This is her first SLR camera and I know she is going to love it. I do. Is that a touch of jealousy? Nah, a little envious, but mostly I am just excited for her. Happy shooting Jen!
November 14 - Late Afternoon Moon -
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