October 29 - Frankencans - The little man and I finished up our Halloween craft. These guys look so cute and they were easy. There is a Mommy, Daddy and Charlie Frankencan.
October 28 - Tea Time - sometimes tea is not strong enough. Bring out the pink and brown pop!
October 27 - Exploring - I went to a local park with my sister in law and nephew today. The boys took off up the hill to look for coyotes. Apparently my nephew is convinced there are a whole pack of them at the top of the hill "even babies"
October 26 - At Summers End - The little girl who lived next door loved this trike, she has had to move on to a two wheeler since the seat broke. Summer is over, and so too are the days of trike riding.
October 25 - Monkey Bars - The little man and I baked today.
Monkey Bars
3/4 cup butter
2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
1tsp. vanilla
1 cup mashed ripe bananas
2 1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup chocolate chips
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease rectangular baking pan. In a large bowl, beat butter, add sugar and brown sugar. Beat until fluffy. Add egg and vanilla, beat well. Stir in bananas.
In a medium bowl, combine dry ingredients. Gradually add dry to wet ingredients, mixing well. Stir in chocolate chips.
Spread batter into pan, bake for about 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the middle come out clean.
Let cool, cut into bars.
October 30 - Ready for Carving -
October 24 - Trees in Fog - Sometimes when I look through my view finder, I see something magical, only to be disappointed with the image when I upload it to my computer. This was the case with this image of the trees in the fog. It still tells a story and evokes feeling, just not the story or feeling I had anticipated. Maybe that is the lesson, to allow feelings to flow, and not to anticipate them.
October 23 - Painting...- The mini bathroom reno started today. At first we were afraid that fixing the leak would mean a complete bathroom gut. But we got lucky and only had to replace the floor, toilet, vanity and part of a wall. We repaired the tiled wall by adding bead board half way down. My job was to paint the board, before installation. I love the way the bathroom turned out. Will post "after" pictures soon.
October 22 - Spooky - While the kids were at school today, I decorated the house for Halloween. I myself am not a huge fan of Halloween, but my husband and my youngest son love it. The little man was impressed with my efforts.
Loving the pictures Trish! I especially like the Oct 28th one, tea definitely isn't enough sometimes! I'm looking for a new camera, any suggestions?