Friday, May 27, 2011

Little Monkeys

I think I am a pretty good mom.  I am certainly proud of my kids; I love and respect them.  In raising my children, each have helped reveal parts of myself that I never knew existed - or maybe these parts would never have existed with out my three kids.  What I am waiting for is one of the three kids to help reveal that part of me that loves the indoor play experience. 
Yes, I am that mom.  The one who will make mud pies, go to the beach, cheer my kids on, cry with them, the mom who will try her best not to take over the science project (even though I want to).  I am the mom who will get down on the floor and play with my kids.  I am the mom who attends school concerts and graduations, in a stuffy over crowded auditorium, tearing up and beaming with pride.  But, I am not the mom who loves the indoor gym. 
Last week, with The Little Man's cousin visiting from Nova Scotia we planned a field trip to Little Monkey's, an indoor play centre here in our town. I couldn't help but notice the similarities between the indoor gym and a night club.  Both have big lounge-y leather couches.  Both have an area to sweat it out (one a dance floor, one a large climber.) Both have rooms off to the side for private parties.  Both have an arcade section - the play centre equipped with air hockey and the bar with pool tables.  And both the indoor gym and the night club have a bar.  Now only if the indoor gym served alcohol, then maybe I would be that mom.  The mom who loves a Little Monkey's type experience.    
the reason why I go to these places:  the joy on the kids faces. totally worth it.

breaking for lunch.  and yes, i was that mom - the one who packed "fruit" gummies, otherwise known as 100% pure refined sugar.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


At the zoo on Sunday I was inspired by this artist.  His commitment to his art, his honesty, and his courage to be himself, encouraged me to do something I never do.  I approached him and asked if I could take his photograph.  I think it is my favorite shot of the day.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

32/365 - 42/365

32/365 April 25 - Basket Case - Laundry is one of those never ending household chores.  As soon as it's completed, the piles start again.  I spent my day sorting, soaking, washing, folding and putting away.  Not very exciting, but productive and I feel like I've beat the beast.

33/365 - April 26 - Gifts - I like to give hand made gifts.  I am a photographer. Probably enough said (and most likely, too much information ~hehe)

27/365 - April 27 - Ordinary - This could be any day in any town.  But this random, out of focus  picture reflects how I've been feeling lately.

35/365 - April 28 - Muse - This tea light that hangs from a tree in our back yard has become my muse.  I don't know what draws me to it, but I've photographed it many times.  This morning I captured it with the sun rising in the background and the morning dew sparkling on the glass.

36/365 - April 29 - Intimacy - A perfect find on our anniversary, but for obvious reasons (three kids) this statue remained in the garden centre we found it at.

37/365 - April 30 - Just Us - For a few more hours its just us.  Leaving makes me want to cry.  This little over nighter reminded me the importance of getting away.  I can't wait to get camping season started. 

38/365 - May 1 - One Candle, Eighty-Five Years. -  I love the interaction in this picture of John and his Gramma.  He is looking at her in such a sweet, protective way - and she looks so excited to blow out her candle and eat her cupcake!

39/365 - May 2 - Monday Craft Day - The Little Man showing off his artistic ability.

40/365 - May 3 - Kind Drop - Cards from Kind Over Matter.  Read more here.

41/365 - May 4 - Brown Eyes and Freckles - The Little Man and I were snuggling in my bed this morning, and I thought that he looked particularly sweet.

42/365 - A Perfect Spring Day - I love when the trees first come into foliage.  The trees look like they have been dabbed with bright green paint.  Add a bright blue sky, fluffy white clouds and a little sun flare, and you have my idea of a perfect spring day.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day ~ from You Tube

Making Time

Hubby and I were able to sneak away on a sleepover date night to celebrate our sixteenth wedding anniversary. 

(Thanks Cindy for taking my rug rats!) It was so needed and so appreciated.

Twenty four hours of uninterrupted time with my husband.  Focusing on us.  Reminiscing, laughing, relaxing.  Taking time to care for our most important connection.  Making time for each other.

a few pictures from our mini vacation - even the artwork screamed love, check out the bunnies and the rock statue!

Kind Drops

The past few weeks have been tough.  I could blame it on  the cold, wet, windy April days ~ but more likely my slump had more to do with feeling pushed to the limit than the weather.  So I pushed back.  With kindness.

Kind Over Matter is a site dedicated to inspirational stories, creativity, and of course kindness.  KOM is overflowing with positivity, a warm place to go with a cup of coffee and re-fuel.  One of my favorite features (and the one that got me hooked on the site) are the printable  kind drops.  

I've wanted to do my own Kind Drops for a while now.  My crappy week gave me the push I needed to go out and create my own positivity.  I dropped my kindness cards at the library, the dollar store, Tim Horton's, the park and the school bulletin board.     

I loved doing these random acts of kindness.  As I dropped my kind cards, I wondered to myself, who would find them?  Was it possible that these little cards would be enough to turn someones day around?  I hoped so.  It certainly made me feel better. 

How do you push back when life has got you down?