Monday, February 28, 2011

20 years

I thought there was something familiar about the self portrait I did last week.
20 years.  I haven't changed much - on the outside at least!

Lesson Learned

Yesterday on facebook, I posted this as my facebook status:

Next time you see a child 'misbehaving' or hear a child screaming please stop and think 'could that child have special needs or sensory issues?'. Please spare a thought for the child who struggles to stay calm and regulated and for the parents who are constantly stared at, judged and criticized. *Make this your status in Support of families living with autism and special needs*

I have a child on the spectrum.  I am the one the other mommies on the playground have talked about. (Yes, just because you turn your back to me doesn't mean I can't HEAR you.)  Educating the ignorant is not my job, I tell myself.  But still sometimes I think, if people only knew.  If they realized that kids on the spectrum look like any other child.  If they knew just how sweet and kind Josh is, just how hard he tries to fit in, maybe they would accept him.   Maybe they would see Josh and not his quirky ways.
I posted this on my status, hoping to raise awareness and acceptance of autism spectrum disorders.  I felt pretty good about myself.  But the ego is a fragile thing...

Then I went out for coffee date, and to the dollar store.  At the dollar store, I walked past a husband and wife.  The husband was taking up the whole aisle.  I said, "excuse me" and waited for the man to move aside.  He didn't budge.  Jerk, I thought to myself.   I plowed past the couple, and gave the two of them my bitchiest "thanks!" on the way by.  Not my best moment.

I ran into the husband and wife once more, this time on the way to the checkout.  As I walked by, I heard the woman say to the man, "You have to move over so people can pass by."  The way she said it, with a motherly tone to her voice made me look twice.  I have said the same thing to Josh a million times.  The man and woman weren't husband and wife at all, but rather mother and teenage son. This man was on the spectrum!  Now I felt like a jerk.  And it hit me....


so instead maybe my status should say,

Next time you see a child 'misbehaving' or hear a child screaming someone who, lacks social skills,  please stop and think 'could that child  person  have special needs or autism spectrum disorder?'. Please spare a thought for the child person who struggles to stay calm and regulated be social and for the parents people who are constantly stared at, judged and criticized. *Make this your status in Support of families living with autism and special needs*

lesson learned. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Picture Inspirtation

Big Picture Classes

Back in January I took part in Picture Winter, a big picture class instructed by Tracey Clark, founder of the shutter sister website.  In my world of photography, Tracey Clark is my rock star. Anyways, I signed up in hopes of getting camera and editing tips from Tracey.
In fact  Picture Winter was quite different than I expected.  What I got was something far more life changing.  I didn't expect such  a warm and supportive community of photographers cheering each other on.  I didn't expect to feel such a sense of belonging.  I didn't expect to make friendships.  By about midway through the class, it was obvious that none of us wanted it to end.  And the seed for Picture Inspiration was planted. 

Picture Inspiration is not so much a class as it is a community.   A "virtual coffee shop- a place to gather, chat, share photos, glean insights, asks questions and get inspired. Through connection and creativity, we will delve deeper into what it means to use photography to reveal the magic in our everyday lives. "

And so I begin my year long Picture Inspiration journey. 

The first weekly prompt: It's All About You. My goal this week is to capture my heart and soul through a self portrait. 


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shine Your Light

We are each gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own special light.  ~Mary Dunbar

Monday, February 21, 2011

the joy of LOVE - day 13 - 20

day 13: routines

pyjamas, teeth, bed.  that has been our night time routine as long as i can remember.  pyjamas, teeth, bed is not just that - the unspoken part of the nighttime routine includes story, drink of water and kisses good night.  for the little man, his nightly routine includes a good night message hollered from his bed.  "good-night, i love you, sweet dreams, have a good sleep!"

day 14: his band

i have written before about how much i love his wedding band.  what i love even more than catching a glimpse of his band, is his quirky sense of humour.  when i approached him to get a picture, this is what i got.  gosh he makes me smile.  i am reminded once again of why i love him. 

day 15: kiss

the little man and i have a thing.  at the park, he will climb up the monkey bars until he is at my height.  when he is at my height, i will give him a "big man" kiss.  a "big man" kiss is just a hug and a huge kiss on the cheek with loud kissy noises.  he pretends that it embarrasses him.  i know it doesn't - he asks for it every time we are at the park.  i wonder how long my little man will let me kiss him in public?

day 16: together (self portrait)

hubby is on call, and we haven't seen much of each other this past week.  a together self portrait turned out to be a quick snapshot of us with the camera held at arms length away. we both look tired and run down, but also we look grateful to be together.  it's true - absence does make the heart grow fonder. 

day 18: going out

today there were record highs.  the windows and doors were opened, and the little man and i went out to the back deck to play.  we only had to wear our spring hoodies.  the warmth of the sun felt amazing. 

day 19: when they are gone

when the rest of the family is at school or work, charlie and i make crafts, play board games, marble works, or build blocks.  today we baked cookies for the rest of the family.  as a special "i love you" treat, we made a huge cookie for each of the kids. 

day 20: when they are home

i banned the screens.  it seems that lately the boys are spending way too much time playing video games, watching movies or television or playing computer games.  so i banned the screens.  instead the boys played a game of creationary.  creationary is a lego version of pictionary.  the boys are eight years apart.  the age gap seems to get smaller and smaller.  when i see this picture i am reminded that the little man is growing up, and i am also reminded at how josh's autism makes him younger and sweeter than his 13 years. 

day 20: hands

black chipped nail polish.  phone in hand.  texting.  my teen aged girl. 

What is Effin Right with the World

Warning - if you have an aversion to the f word, you may want to stop here. 

This morning I stumbled on this website that I couldn't help but want to share.  Mostly because I thought it was effin awesome.  Also, sometimes you need a slap in the face to remind you of how great the world can be.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Family Day 2011

A few years ago, the provincial government gave Ontarians a statutory holiday in February, Family Day.  It's no secret that family means everything to me, so a holiday celebrating family is a blessing.  This year, Hubby is on call for Family Day, so we held our own Family Day this past weekend. 
Like last year, we went for a winter hike at Valens conservation area.  The family picture on my blog header is from family day 2010.  I was so surprised to see many - okay around six or seven trailers camping.  We even spotted a couple camping in a tent!  The boys had so much fun throwing snow balls at each other.  I am proud to say that I was the only one who did not get hit with a snow ball.  I guess my boys know not to mess with Mommy.  John wasn't so lucky. 

We didn't build this snow fort, but it was pretty cool to check it out.  Someone obviously spent a lot of time and effort making it. 

My sweet Kiddo Kenzie

Us - taken by The Kid

Me and my Girl. I was cracking up when I uploaded these pictures; take a look at how bundled up I am compared to the rest of the family.  I am such a wimp.

We did a lap around the campsites, and then went to the lookout. 

Me and my Guys: a few less layers on me.

my world

our traditional family day self portrait - camera perched on top of the hood of the dodge.

When were tuckered out when we got home, so we rented a few movies.  Alpha and Omega, and Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark.  After movies, we had home made pizzas for dinner.  It was a great day, spent with my favourite people. 
mmmm pizzas!

Monday, February 14, 2011

the joy of LOVE - day 10 - 13

my february photo project isn't going so well but i'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.  when i started this project, my hope was that it would put my photographic focus back on my family.  it has. the problem is that i haven't been able to get as many prompt specific pictures as i would have hoped.
but what i have accomplished is i have taken more lifestyle pictures of my family than i have in a long time.  i love these everyday moments in our life.   

the Kid reading the directions to her new ipod that she bought with her birthday money

john giving it a go to see if he can figure it out - what i love about this picture is it shows his wedding ring

josh studying his pokemon pokedex.  he knows pokemon inside and out.

the little man giving me a morning sleepy face smile.

miss piggy ignoring me

the only prompt appropiate picture from the last few days - day 12: the eyes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

the joy of LOVE - day 09

day 09: hobbies

our hobbies in the winter pretty much revolve around screens.  the boys play video games.  we rent movies.  the kid chats with her friends online.  i surf my favorite blogs or curl up with a good book.  basically for us, winter is a time of hibernation.  waiting for summer and the days of playing at the beach, gardening and camping

the boys playing an intense game of mod nation racing

josh with one of his lego creations - isn't lego the best toy ever?

the kid  chatting with her friends ( i know i bought her an agenda to keep track of dates, not sure why she is using her hand as a notebook.)

my favourite little hobby - photography.  with or without my camera in hand, i see my life in pictures.

the joy of LOVE - day 08

day 08: gifts from the heart

some of my favourite gifts are the ones that can't be seen.  the gift of family, the gift of support, protection, love, confidence and consideration. the gift of secret keeper and motherhood.  then there is also one of my favourite gifts - a highway with no one on it (the 407 toll highway, that hubby takes to keep my stress levels down.  

here are some more of my favourite gifts,

the gift of my children.  each on of my kids bring so many and different gifts to my life.  

the gift of the family pets - caught him in a weak moment!

my wedding band, engagement ring and 10 year anniversary band -  they mean so much to me and i am proud to wear them.  also, when i catch a glimpse of his ring it makes my heart pitter patter - a turn on for sure.

my camera - my Nikon was a Christmas gift a few years ago.  my camera has unlocked parts of me i never knew existed,  and given me whole new appreciation for all things beautiful. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

the joy of LOVE - day 07

day 07: generations

"if nothing is going well, call your grandmother" - Italian proverb

the joy of LOVE prompt asked us to take a generation picture.  instead, i am posting pictures of my favourite grandmas.  i can't think of a more special bond than the bond between grandmas and their grandchildren.  grandmas have the ability to make you feel like the most important person in the world.  grandmas rock!

my Grandma and I at the falls

Kenzie, Mom and Shamir

my mother in law, Josh and Kenzie

three generations - mom, me and kenzie

grandma up the hill

Sunday, February 6, 2011

the joy of LOVE - day 06

day 06 : who they love

me.  i love them and they love me. 

they love the mess of a mommy in curlers and pj's.  they love me, the girl who plays with them, supports them, cries for them, laughs with them, and cheers them on. 

even at my worst, they love me and i love them

joy of LOVE - day 05

day 05: love to hate

pet peeves, quirks, nasty bad habits.  the things about your loved ones that drive you nuts.  today we were asked to photograph the things that we love to hate about our favourite people.

i can think of nothing more irritating than being caught with your pants down.  love to hate? not so much. 

what i do love to hate is the front door mess.  this mess tells a story of my family.  love to hate? you bet.

How To Stay in Love

say please
say thank-you
say sorry
forgive & forget
make time
make conversation
make love
fight fair
learn from mistakes
be venerable
be kind
be interested
be interesting
say i love you
"see" him
"see" yourself
hold hands
give up the notion of "my job" or "his job" - you're in this together
set goals
be friends
be a soft place to land
take time for yourself
dance together
embrace quirks - yours and his
try hard
laugh together
laugh at his jokes
brag about him
turn off the tv
be intimate - mind, body and soul
let go
be careful; egos are fragile
invest in each other
ride it out
be deliberate
create rituals
have faith
spoil him
be aware
slow down
get lost on adventures
talk to each other; the "big" talks and the "nothing" talks
plan together

Did I miss something?  Add it below in the comment box!