Sunday, April 24, 2011

One Day, Someday.

I stood on my front lawn, my chest shaking and tears welling up in my eyes.  Above me, a parade of four seater sesnas were circling overhead.  My daughter was in one.

Kenzie was on a grade nine geography trip.  As part of her study on urban sprawl, the teacher arranged a field trip to fly around the city.
What was it about my daughter flying directly above me that caused my emotions to bubble to the surface?  A sense of relief?  Pride?  Absolute and pure joy?  All of those reasons, plus something so much more, a feeling I can't quite put into words, but reminds me of a line from one of my favorite story books, Someday by Alison Meghee. 

"Someday you will look at this house and wonder how something that feels so big can look so small,"

And one day, someday, our home wont look small because she is looking out of a plane window. Our home will look small because she has grown into the beautiful woman I know she will be.  One day, someday, she will have her own successes, home, family and life - and it's my hope that when she thinks back to her childhood, she will be filled with feelings so intensely joy full that her own emotions bubble to the surface.

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