On Saturday night we attended a ugly shirt party. I dug out this shirt that I made in grade eight with my best friend Dawn. We had matching hats too. What were we thinking? This shirt is horrible. I cant seem to let myself throw it out - but I have retired it to being my hair dye shirt. Anyways, my ugly shirt did win me the prize of the night - dinner for two - a box of Kraft Dinner. Too funny. We had a good time, but as soon as I got home, off came the shirt. Enough ugly for one night.
I finally got out the invites to the Little Man's pirate party. I am very happy with the way they turned out. Charlie was so excited to drop them off at his friends houses. We have a few more to drop off tonight.
The Kids is on her way to Quebec today with the school. She will be gone for 4 days. I know, not long, but it's the longest and farthest away she has been from home. I am sure she will do fine. At least I am pretty sure she will do fine. She tends to have a low bullshit tolerance - and that makes me worried that she will stress herself out instead of enjoy the experience.
I knew that I would not be able to drop her off myself with out making a public embarrassment of our family. I did have a bit - okay a big cry on Sunday night. After all the lists were checked, the clothes, ipod, camera, books for the bus, deck of cards, bathing suit, umbrella, emergency first aid kit, emergency rain poncho....it hit me she was going. The Kid would have to take care of herself if there was a problem, I could give her the tools, but she had to be the one to utilize them. Its what we do as parents, teach your children, so they can be independent. And if the goal is independence, then what then is my role as mother. My role as mother is to be ready and interested to hear all about her adventures. To be a soft spot in the world to land, to give encouragement or advice when needed. My role is to step back and watch her grow.
So I am watching her grow. It used to be that I would look at her and see traces of the baby she once was, and now, I look at her and catch glimpses of the woman she will become. If I look hard enough there is still evidence of my little girl, just check out Winston, her teddy bear packed in her bag.
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